
To consolidate and enhance the knowledge of the doctors, Coppe offers post-doctorate positions in its 13 programs, with duration of 36 months, which can be extended for more two years.


The candidates must submit the following documents:


  • A detailed work plan with the following data: research project, justification, expected results, schedule, funding plan and the agreement of the advisor regarding the activities to be developed;
  • Updated professional curriculum published at the Lattes Platform;
  • A copy of the diploma or the certificate of the doctoral degree; if necessary, the document need to be revalidated;
  • In case the candidate works for an institution, he/she must submit a document from this institution authorizing him/her to take a leave of absence to conduct post-doctorate research.

Note: The research project must include the possibility of publishing papers that can be classified as advanced research, according to the Comissão de Avaliação Docente (Faculty Evaluation Commission) at Coppe/UFRJ.


For more information, potential candidates must contact the programs or their future advisors.